DBSA Deutsche Bank Foundation South Africa
Charity Trading Day
Employees are a brands most powerful resource. When staff are passionate about a cause or social giving, management needs to pay attention and support staff to do more.
Deutsche Bank traders had a drive to use their skills to raise funds for a pre-selected charity. High internal awareness had the potential to boost engagement and the do more.
Being a shy communicator, was limiting the potential of a powerful initiative.
The client wanted to boost awareness, drive engagement and magnify impact.

We turned an event into a national Corporate Social Investment campaign. We engaged bankers and all staff ensuring they became campaign ambassadors.
We generated excitement internally and encouraged all staff to use the campaign as a talking point with each other, clients, stakeholders and service providers.
The pre-campaign publicised the call to action helping staff understand and connect with the goal and encouraging them to play an active role in accomplishing it.
Amplification: a day to a campaign

Connecting a face to a cause
We used actual project recipients, to put a face to the campaign.
A reason to engage.
Providing a reason to connect.
We asked the Deutsche Bank community to make these dreams come true.

We ran a national roadshow to drive engagement internally, first. Employees are a powerful resource and if engaged early become ambassadors, driving campaigns organically.
We conducted campaign workshops with all front line staff to ensure they were armed with knowledge and took the initiative to inform other employees and clients about the campaign.
We positioned the success of the campaign and the amount of money raised for charity as a collective commitment and responsibility.
Encouraging staff to play an active role in helping youth to unlock potential.
Driving engagement -inside out

Flipping the Script.
The event became an annual staff engagement and Social Investment campaign, nationally across South Africa.
The campaign significantly increased the charitable donations by year on year. Overall staff volunteerism increased.
Bankers noted a marked improvement in client relationships as a direct result of the campaign.
Employee surveys reported a 95% boost in overall staff morale.
The campaign which originated in South Africa was replicated globally, with ease.
Million Rands raised
Increase in staff volunteering
Staff and client involvement
Boost in staff morale
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